Keong Saik Bakery

I was first introduced to Keong Saik Bakery’s pastries by my colleague. She bought their signature burnt cheesecake to share it with me, and it was my first time trying a burnt cheesecake (I LOVE CHEESECAKES). And… it was so so good!

Ever since then, I have been bugging Kayden to go Keong Saik Bakery so I could get another of their delicious cheesecakes.
Today I am going to review 2 types of pastries I have tried at Keong Saik Bakery!

Keong Saik Bakery

Ambience at Keong Saik

Keong Saik Bakery is a small little cafe that sells cakes and pastries. Hence, the cafe is rather small and in fact, slightly to the point that it is quite squeezy. Especially when they are quite popular, hence there are usually quite a number of people in the cafe! As a result of the number of people in the cafe, it is also usually slightly noisy.


Keong Saik Bakery offers a good variety of cakes and pastries as seen from the 2 images there. Hence, if you are not a big fan of cheescakes, you can still go and try other items they have! They all look super good~

Matcha Cruffin ($5)

The first time we went to Keong Saik Bakery, it was on a weekend afternoon and they ran out of their signature burnt cheesecakes.
Hence, I got the matcha cruffin, which is also highly raved instead.

The cruffin is like a mix of a croissant and a muffin (and that explains its name).
As what you would imagine, the crust is similar to a croissant, buttery, flaky and delicious, in the shape of a muffin, in a muffin cup.
When you break the cruffin apart, the warm, gooey, matcha filling oozes out from the middle.
The matcha filling is sweet with slight matcha bitter-ish taste in it, and the creaminess of the matcha fillings pair well with the flaky buttery crust.
I think this is a really great creation, and would highly recommend you to get it!

Signature Burnt Cheesecake

Keong Saik signature burnt cheesecakes have garnered lots of good reviews and many people raved about how good their burnt cheesecake is!

According to Keong Saik, “this cheesecake is made with 4 types of cheeses in perfect harmony to give a firm yet creamy texture”

The first time I ate it, it was when my colleague bought it to office to share it with me. It was soooo good.
The cheesecake was creamy, cheesy and also melts in the mouth. It looks like it was almost melting in the center, and it looks more runny than most cheesecakes.
The slightly burnt crust on top offers a slightly smoky additional taste to the creamy cheesecake.
From then on, I was hooked on to it, and I kept thinking about it and bugging Kayden to bring me back to try it!

Two-faced Burnt Cheesecake – $8.50

two-faced burnt cheese cake

This time, we went on a weekday, just after lunch time. The bakery was close of in-store dining, and we have to do takeaway.

The cheesecake was cheesy and creamy. Additionally, this two-faced burnt cheesecake features the original cheesecake on top, and matcha cheesecake below, which I think it a great combination! The sweetness from the original cheesecake on top would neutralise with the slight matcha bitterness, making it a perfect combination! This is also coupled with a slightly ‘smoky’ aroma from the burnt skin on top.

Although it still tastes creamy, cheesy and slightly melty, something felt off. It doesn’t feel as creamy, doesn’t feel as cheesy and definitely doesn’t melt-in-the-mouth as much as I tried it for the first time. And while I was writing up this review, I was looking up the pictures from other people online, and I noticed the differences, with others, and also with the one my colleague got for us to share.

Apparently, the cheesecake looks less runny/melty as compared to the previous times. It definitely looks firmer and more like ‘overcooked’ as compared to the others. I think that might have contributed to its less creaminess and melty texture. So do take note when you order, that this might be a factor that affects how good your cheesecake would be.

MSW Burnt Cheesecake – $10.50

MSW burnt cheese cake

Next, we tried the MSW burnt cheesecake (cause it sounds like a good one for someone who likes durian right?)
But I think… we don’t really fancy this.

The durian coupled with the cheesecake just make it tastes like a … salty durian?
Additionally, the cheese taste has overpowered the durian taste, and altered the taste of the durian. This makes it hard to taste the quality of the durian, which is a pity since they claim to use MSW.
Overall, it is a pretty disappointing creation, combining both durian and cheesecake. I think it would have been better if the durian taste is stronger, and if they put in more durian in it. They would also need to make the two strong-tasting items smoothly blend in together. I think that would be a lot better


As a small cafe/bakery, there isn’t much service to expect.
I also wouldn’t expect their service to be top-notch, but I don’t think they are good too. They are decent, but not too friendly nor helpful.

When we first went to the cafe/bakery, we were quite confused when we entered, cause we weren’t sure if we were supposed to sit down, or order first. So while we looked confused, the staff looked at us, but just ignored our confusion. While for some other cafes/bakeries, they would kind of guide you if you look confused, telling you to pick a seat then pick your pastries as you require.

I feel like they might be so popular that they expect you to know what you are supposed to do, that even when you looked confused and like a first-timer, they just ignore you and do not offer any help.

Price – $$
Overall Rating – 3.5/5

Keong Saik Bakery
41 Keong Saik Rd., Singapore 089146

Opening hours:
Mon: 7:30am – 5:30pm
Tues-Fri: 7:30am – 8pm
Sat-Sun: 8am – 8pm


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