Eighty-Eightea Rinbansyo (八拾捌茶輪番所 Rinbansyo)

Hi everyone, it’s Ice back with her Taiwan food review! Today, I’ll be reviewing Eighty-Eightea Rinbansyo~

On one of the rainy days in my Taiwan trip (unfortunately), we decided to go to a teahouse for some tea experience. It’s my first time going to a teahouse other than those excursion trips in primary school. So I was pretty excited.. (other than the fact that it was raining)

Eighty-Eightea teahouse

Look at the building~~~ so much feels~ I love such buildings

I don’t have pictures of the interior, but there two main seating areas. One area has tables, while the other area requires you to remove shoes and sit on the tatami floor. We sat in the area on the tatami floor, and I would say it’s a good choice as it allows you to look at the outside view. As it was raining, sitting inside this teahouse and enjoying some tea makes it a really peaceful experience and has a quaint vibe.


We ordered the Dessert Set – Japanese Dessert Platter for 2 at NT$900. It comes with the Japanese Dessert Platter and 2 tea of your choice. You can opt for either this, Taiwan dessert platter or eggless waffle platter. In addition to this, we ordered the eggless fruit waffle as well, which costs NT$260.

Eighty-Eightea dessert platterr

The Japanese dessert platter comes with a variety of Japanese desserts, of which I think all of them taste pretty good. I especially love the Yōkan, which is a thick, jellied Japanese dessert made of red bean paste, agar, and sugar.

Eighty-Eightea fruit waffles

This fruit waffle is eggless and comes with a variety of fruits, topped with chocolate sauce. The waffle is decent, but not amazing, but the fruits were GREAT. It was really fresh and nice, especially the guava (if you go to Taiwan, you should definitely try out their guava, which is so much better than Singapore ones). I think the chocolate sauce topping is such a fail.. because it makes the fruits taste weird? But the fruits are so nice… So it’s like 画蛇添足


So, the dessert platter comes with 2 tea of our choice. And the tea comes in a pot like this. You can request for them to add hot water once it’s out.

We got the Osmanthus Oolong Tea and Sanxia Bilochun. Different tea leaves require different brewing techniques and timings to take note of. The teahouse will teach you what is the proper way of drinking tea as well, which is a really nice experience. They are really patient, and nice so you need not be awkward.  I really love the rose osmanthus oolong tea, which is light and refreshing, making it a nice match with the Japanese Dessert Platter. My friend even bought the osmanthus oolong tea leaves back to Singapore and she swears by it~

Overall, it was a really nice experience, especially since we went there on a rainy day. Do visit Eighty-Eightea if you have time~~

Eighty-Eightea Rinbansyo (11:30am – 9pm) – No. 174, Section 1, Zhonghua Road, Wanhua District, Taipei City, Taiwan 108


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