Hey there! Just like you, we are ardent food lovers and we want to share our passion with the world. Hence, we decided to start doing reviews all the way back in 2016. Our main priority would be to try all the ‘hyped’ stuff and tell you guys exactly how good or how bad it is so all our readers can have a gauge on what to order and what to avoid in the future. As ardent food lovers, we definitely understand the pain and agony of spending our money on disgusting food.

We review everything! Ranging from cheap to affordable and finally to atas as we believe good ones doesn’t need to be expensive. Oh right, we do review overseas food as well. We feel so happy whenever friends and readers tell us they loved what we recommended. This serve as a motivation to drive us forward and we wish to bring you many more reviews in the years to come. Do check us out and see if our recommendations suit you (:


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